Northfield House CQC Report

We are continuing to work tirelessly through our action plan, introducing further improvements that will enable us to return to a ‘Good’ overall rating as soon as possible.
We make every effort to be open and transparent with everyone and work closely alongside the CQC, welcoming all feedback that will enable us to learn and make improvements where required.
Our loyal and committed team are consistently striving towards the same goal, making every effort to achieve excellence in any areas where room for improvement has been identified.
As with most of the care industry, recruitment remains one of our main challenges, putting extra strain and pressure on our existing, committed staff. However, we are delighted that we are now welcoming new permanent staff members to join our existing team. We continue to make significant and positive changes, including further developing our open and inclusive culture that will attract staff and ensure Northfield House remains a great place to work.
Whilst these changes are taking place we would very much like to thank everyone for their help and guidance and to give a special thanks to our residents and relatives for their continued unwavering support.

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