Daphne, Gladys, Joan and Steve our Activities Co-ordinator, report on some of the highlights of the last 2 weeks.
Brushing Up!
Olive and Steve worked together on a painting a seaside scene using watercolours. Olive thoroughly enjoyed choosing the colours, brushing and blending them to produce a painting that looked very natural.
This was done purely from her own fond memories of her trips to the seaside years ago.
Pancake Masters!
Pancake day gave us lots of laughter and fun! Steve skilfully prepared the Pancakes; under the close supervision of our head cook Sarah. Then they were then tossed expertly by some of our residents in cool frying pans.
Gladys and Olive were particularly proficient, suggesting many years of culinary experience have reaped their rewards.
Daphne and Steve did their best to compete, but were just pipped to the post by our Gladys.
Pancake Masters!
Workers playtime was a new feature within themed sessions at Northfield House. These gave our residents and staff the chance to dress up in 1940’s headscarves whilst 1940’s music and games were played. This succeeded in stirring some memories of days when production line working was brightened up by the radio and chirpy banter.
Watch this space for more themed activities and opportunities to incorporate music, dressing up, games, creativity and fun into our day!